Keep your tools tiedied and accessible while charging

I live in a small flat with no extra room for a home office or a lab. Whenever i returned from customer site and needed to recharge my tools i had to pull out a power strip from the closet and find a temporary space to charge them. The result was a huge cable mess that needed to be cleared in the morning when I left for work.

A new desk or shelf were not an option so i decided i need a hanging solution. I came up with the idea that I could hang a board to my door with some hooks that you normally use to for wardrobe. But at this point i had no idea of how to mount the tools.

It happend that i saw on twitter a post of a 3D printed Aircheck G2 wall mount.

WOW exactly what I needed!

Unfortunately I had no 3D printer nor any 3D design skills.

Luckily I used to work with this guy named Sven, he owns a 3D printer!

So I just had to learn how to design.

Following you’ll find my designs and the final result at the bottom of this page(pictures link to stl files on

NetAlly / Netscout / Fluke Networks LinkSprinter Wall Mount
Fluke 62MaxPlus Wall Mount
Fluke 414D Wall Mount

NetAlly / Netscout LinkRunner

The complete board:

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